Thursday 7 February 2013

GLOBAL WARMING - How to Stop It !!!!!!

There should be a quick and appropriate end to this devastating natural problem. Many ways which can be useful to stop it are listed below:

  • Stop Climate chaos.
  • Support Kyoto plus.
  • Create green jobs
  • Stop CO2 Emissions.
  • Create a will to preserve nature.
  • Create clean energy boosts.
  • Purify the waste air released by factories                                                                    
These ways when enforced and followed in a efficient manner will help preserve nature from at least one problem out of thousands....................

Rushil Gupta

Wednesday 6 February 2013


Global Warming can have adverse effect on nature and its components like trees , glaciers etc. The worse effect is on glaciers. Due to a drastic increase in the global temperatures, a lot of glaciers and ice caps are melting and are thus being destroyed. However, we don't understand that this will not affect nature as much as it would do on human life. Because of the melting of glaciers, there can be a huge increase in the levels of water in rivers thus causing floods in some areas. Moreover, glaciers are a source of freshwater and if they get melted then there can be a lack of freshwater because all rivers don't carry freshwater and its contamination with river water  would cause a huge deficiency of freshwater.   

Rushil Gupta   

Monday 4 February 2013


The second factor which causes global warming is burning of fossil fuels and working factories. Whenever any fossil fuel is burnt in open, it releases many harmful fumes and other poisonous gases which destroy the ozone layer and thus help in more frequent greenhouse effect. In factories, a lot of chemicals  and highly dangerous gases are used which are released into the  atmosphere through chimneys....... These gases will also adversely affect the ozone layer and would again result into greenhouse effect taking place again and thus resulting into a drastic increase in the global temperatures............. WAITING FOR YOUR VALUABLE SUGGESTIONS AND COMMENTS...................

Rushil Gupta                                                                                           

Saturday 2 February 2013


Global warming is caused by a lot many factors but the most major cause is the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse Effect is the warming up of earth's by the absorption and re-emission by greenhouse molecules. This can however be very dangerous and at the same time, it is advantageous also. It is used for growing plants in the hilly areas. Some closed sheds like structures are made above the fields so that they grow nicely because for its growth they need three things , viz. , Sunlight , Water and Essential Nutrients. But seeing only one side of the issue is not good. On the other hand, it is a major factor resulting in global warming. IF ANY QUERIES, THEN PLEASE WRITE THEM IN COMMENTS.........

Rushil Gupta

Friday 1 February 2013


Well ,  Global warming is one of the most devastating problem in today's scenario. It can be extremely harmful for the nature. For explaining to you that what global warming is , I will not copy-paste any web article but would tell you what my knowledge says about it. Global warming is the rising of earth's temperature proving to be a  truly dangerous problem for not only nature but human life also. It can destroy nature's beauty and can harm many important cycles and balances of the atmosphere. Through this article, I would like to motivate people to conserve their surroundings or either be ready to accept its consequences.

Rushil Gupta

Thursday 31 January 2013

Well , I am not a professional conservationist but still i have interests in this field............. My posts are not imaginary but are my real views about the uncountable environmental problems................ today i have uploaded a video regarding global warming........ those who are interested in saving their nature should definitely watch this video and take inspiration...............

Rushil Gupta